I am giving you all till Sunday to comment and am making it easier- you do not even have to comment on a specific post. Just comment to say hi and/or something nice.
As an incentive and to prove to you all that I actually do knit, here are some pics of my recent projects
This is a sweater I knit for myself, although I obviously will not be wearing it in this weather
Sweater for my newest niece in Israel. Again, for colder weather
Ok, now do you believe me?
Hi! You do not have to knit anything for me but just wanted to say that I am amazed at all that you do...My husband is also a rabbi and I am also the mother of a special needs child (and her twin sister!) who are adorable but very time-consuming. Balancing it all is difficult at times (but worth it!) and reading your blog helps me to realize that there are others out there doing the same thing and somehow makes it less lonely! Yasher Kochaych!