Monday, November 29, 2010

Lots of pictures

Over the long weekend, I managed to knit/complete quite a few projects and want to proudly display them. I just want to add as a disclaimer that taking good pictures of inatimate objects is harder than you think.
First off, Baby M's hat. I finished it a few weeks ago but finally got him to pose for a picture today.
Isn't he cute?

The hat

And my cutie again. Love how he crinkles his nose!
Next up is a hat I knit for my newest niece, born Sunday morning 5: 32 am in Jerusalem.

Purple bec. it's a girl!
I also knit myself yet another hat, but I am not sure if I will wear it because A informed me this morning that "you don't look like Ima when you are wearing a hat."

The old hat- A. doesn't like it

The new hat- maybe this one will be better?

And last but not least, here is the sweater for Melissa's baby. Melissa, I only recently read on your blog that you have bigger babies, so I hope this fits him or her. Tada!

 I think I may have overdosed on knitting for a while.  Might be time for a break, what do you think?


  1. WOOHOO!!!! You are the BEST! Don't worry, I'll stuff my little sausage in it, no matter how big

  2. When did Meir get so big!!! I like the hat. You can tell A that you look like Adis mom when you wear a hat.
