Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Speed dating with Doulas

Some of you may be wondering what my subject line is about. No worries- I am very happily married and not dating anyone else, just meeting my potential clients. Like at the open house event I attended tonight which we sometimes call "speed dating the doulas."
Let me explain. In addition to my private doula business, I also work with a company called Birthfocus. Birthfocus is a wonderful doula agency that helps match up expectant moms with doulas. It was founded by Ilana Stein, a pioneer of the NY doula community and also the woman who led my doula training course. Birthfocus holds several open houses a month. At these open houses, clients can interview a few doulas at once and doulas can meet potential clients. It's a win win for everyone. I usually speak to a couple for about 10 minutes and then rotate so I get to meet as many people as possible.
This is a great concept and works pretty well. Sometimes, though, it can become an overwhelming experience. There is a room full of people, a lot of noise and you have to put your best foot forward over and over again. At some point all the hospitals and due dates just become jumbled together.
I find that I do much better meeting people one-on-one for a chat that's more private and more in-depth than the superficial interview. Yet I never can resist going because maybe maybe, I will connect with someone and be hired. I guess I will find out in the next few days.

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