What I love about knitting (on a side note- I am almost done with a grey sweater coat for myself and I think it looks really nice. Will post pics when it's done) is that it's permanent. At the end of the day or week, I can hold up something concrete, a sleeve perhaps, and say "I made this."
But my friend had an interesting insight, that I had not thought of. She agreed that many parts of housework/childcare are mundane and repeat ad nausea. But there are moments and memories that last beyond that. You can host a big Purim seuda for 35 people, and while the food may be gone, you will still have the satisfaction of having had a delicious and successful meal. You will remember the fun that was had and the people who enjoyed your home. The same is true for the birthday cake you make that your daughter loves and shows her that you care, or the many times you wake up in the middle of then night to comfort your baby.
Of course this cannot be applied to every dirty diaper that we change. Much of the work we do really is mundane and repetitive. But it's important to remember that all the little, at times annoying, tasks add up to a bigger picture. They are all part of the process of investing in your home and family and becoming closer with your kids through everyday interactions.In this way you truly are the caregiver of your home, the one who gives care and love to all members of the household through the myriad of things you do every day. Even if you have to redo them again tomorrow. And the day after that.
And while you are busy taking care of everyone and everything, don't forget to give yourself some care and love every once in a while- preferably daily. Somehow we always put ourselves last. So go for coffee, read a book, or lock yourself in the bathroom for 5 minutes of quiet time. It's the least you deserve. After all, you are creating memories, love and little people.
An example of the messes we deal with here |