Thursday, January 7, 2010


So I have about a million things to do before 9 am tomorrow morning when I head to NYU for an induction only to come home 15 minutes before shabbos...and yet I am sitting here at the computer procrastinating. Why? Because I really do not want to tackle my kitchen which is dirty from marathon shabbos cooking and dinner. Or the living room full of toys. Or the dining room with the spilled orange juice and the rice on the floor. I do not want to head out to supersol for some last minute shabbos items. I had a nutty day and just want to do nothing. I am tired and grumpy. Alas, it is not meant to be. As soon as I hit publish post, I am heading back to reality and my dirty kitchen. So indulge me for a moment as I just sit here staring at the screen and procrastinating. Oh all right, here I go...


  1. I just read your article in Spirit Magazine- just wonderful! Yedidya sounds so sweet, mischievous and fun!

  2. Thanks. He is all that and more :)
