Yesterday was the last day of my training. Most of the day was spent reviewing other people's presentations on short topics. I did "The Labor Bag"- what to bring to the hospital. I filled a bag with items one may need in labor and that had the others in the group take stuff out of the bag and see what the item is, and why we would need it in labor. I got good feedback, which was exciting because I was really nervous. We spoke about writing a course design/curriculum and what we had gained from the class. We also took each other's cards so we could be in touch and network.
Now it's back to reality- scheduling doctor's appointments and CPSE reviews. Getting ready for Y's surgery. Laundry. Dinner. The wonders of being a stay at home mom. Except now I have a lot of homework to do- like reading a 700 page study guide to prepare for the exam.
WE have full faith in you that youll get everything done and pass your test also Your one capable lady