Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week in Review

I feel like an old lady saying this, but the weeks seem to fly by and all of a sudden it is Thursday night again.
I have had a busy week on the cooking front-I spent pretty much every morning the kids were in school in the kitchen preparing. I made 100 Hamentaschen, 48 muffins, 48 appetizers and 10 lbs of turkey for our Purim meal. Then I cooked for shabbos today. Let's just say I could use a break from the stove for a while. Unfortunately, that does not seem very likely.

I will spare you any gory details on the toilet-training front but I would say we are definitely making progress. M is about 90 percent trained and Y had his first full day at school without any accidents.
Some snapshots from the past week
Y snuck into M's bed one evening while we were having dinner

M listening to music at the YU seforim sale. Notice how much better his eye looks

AY looking cute as always
Other noteworthy updates:
-AY rolled over for the first time this week, right on schedule for his 3 month birthday
- I went to Y's school to speak the kids about Purim. Some of his classmates call me "Ima" :)
-I love the way M tells me the Purim story he is learning at school in little sound bites: Achashverosh was very angry...The soldiers wanted to hurt King Achashverosh...Haman was not very nice...Achashverosh lived in a palace...Queen Esther lit Shabbos candles- we don't touch matches (that is not actually part of the story, he was just sharing safety rules he learned)
M's costume arrived in the mail today. Took a lot of convincing to leave it in the package so it will be in one piece for Purim. Y's should arrive any day. Looking forward to a fun and chaotic week!

1 comment:

  1. You have the cutest family! Hope to see you tomorrow!!
