Sunday, December 20, 2009


Well it wasn't quite the 12 inches they predicted but we definitely got some snow.
We thought it would be fun to take the kids out to play in it. It was fun for about 5 minutes but then everyone's feet and hands got really cold...I think we were not bundled up enough. Lacking snowpants and warmer gloves. Our supposed adventure quickly disintegrated into crying least we tried. Did get some great pics though.
The kids are off from school starting Thursday. I am not sure how I will entertain them for the next 10 days. Suggestions welcome. Our potty project also starts on Thursday. I am using the vacation to toilet train not one, but two children. Yes I know I'm nuts but I am also desperate to get at least some of my three children out of diapers. Just think of all the money I'll save.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comment Mabel. I love feedback, especially when it's postive :)
