Thursday, May 12, 2011


We are getting ready for the Yachad Family Shabbaton, a weekend retreat for families and their children with special need. A is very excited. She keeps asking when we are packing, what we are taking, who is going to be there, what we will be eating, etc. She is also adamant that she wants to choose her own clothing, fashionista that she is.
I am trying to make lists and pack. I always get nervous that I am going to forget something important. Will definitely pack several changes of clothing and plenty of diapers and wipes.
I am looking forward to a change of scenery and having a bit of a break. I am also looking forward to the different information and counseling sessions. My husband will actually be giving a session and I was asked if I want to participate with and make it a couple's thing. I politely declined. Public speaking is not my thing. I'll gladly blog about special needs but don't put me at the podium in the front of the room.
Besides, I am coming to be inspired by others and to refuel.
I also finally got around to uploading the pictures from my camera. My next step is to actually order prints. As great as digital storage is, I love having pictures organized in real photo- albums that we can look over and return to again and again. The kids love photo albums too although in their enthusiasm they will often be a little too rough with the pages and rip some of them out.
In the meantime I will share two of my favorite shots. Have a wonderful shabbos!

Kids all dressed up for seder. The pic would be even cuter if A's underwear wasnt showing :)

A and I on her class trip to Central Park Zoo


  1. Is it just me or is there only one picture up...

  2. gorgeous pictures of gorgeous children
