So after almost three months of summer vacation, school is finally upon us. We have been phasing in slowly. Y started on Thursday, A on Monday, and M went today for a half hour. In a way it was nice to be able to give everyone individual attention for their first day.
Y is in the same school as last year with the same therapists, classmates and most of his teachers have stayed the same as well. He really has the least transitioning to do and he seems to have adjusted well. We are trying to work out kinks with the bus as it is coming very late in the morning and he also spends almost an hour on it on the way home. It does not seem to bother him, but I think his school day is long enough and would prefer if we could cut out some travel time. Especially because his school is only about a 5-10 minute drive from our apartment, depending on traffic.
A has started a new school for kindergarten. Thankfully, she knows some girls in her class already and we have had a chance to meet some nice families at the Parent Orientation too. She was a bit nervous on Monday and did not want to separate but once I left, she had a wonderful day and came bounding out of the classroom to tell me how much fun she had. Today was her first time taking the bus. There were some tears and drama involved, but ultimately she did get on this morning and also came off pretty enthusiastically in the afternoon. Her morning bus time is 7 21 and I am still adjusting to the early morning rush. Trying to get 3 kids dressed, out the door and across the street by 7 21 is going to be a bit of a challenge, that will probably require my going to bed at a decent hour.
M was very excited to go to his preschool this morning. He knows it well from when his siblings attended and I think he is happy to be a big boy and have his own classroom and Morahs (teachers). Tomorrow we go for two hours and start the "seperation process" which can be a bit prolonged. I am planning on bringing my knitting and also to start planning my Rosh Hashana menus.
It is hard for me to imagine what life will be like when they are all finally settled in their respective programs...the one adjective that comes to mind is "quiet". I am hoping to be productive and to utilize my time in the mornings till M comes home to really get things done, whether it is house work/maintenance, writing, errands or otherwise. I have a feeling though, that for the first few weeks the High Holidays will be keeping me plenty busy...
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