Sunday, February 27, 2011


My finger seems to be healing nicely. I barely feel any pain, as long as my kids don't decide to grab the band-aid and squeeze really hard.
 Today was a beautiful, mild day so we actually took the kids down to Hippo Park, our favorite playground. In the summertime, we kind of move in to the park, but we had not spent a lot of time there over the last few cold months. But the sun was shining, the snow had melted and the kids had a lot of fun. Then we went to get ice-cream, so I am assuming a child's afternoon cannot get much better than that.
Y really wants to go back to school. I think he is kind of done/bored with staying home, relaxing and Uncle Moishy. I take it as a good sign that he is excited to see his teachers and friends again. Unfortunately, we had a really hard time getting him to go to bed tonight and I hope he will not be too tired tomorrow morning.
I am not sure if it is because she is a girl or because our personalities are so similar but A has a way of pushing my buttons, in a way the boys don't. She is extremetly stubborn and is having a hard time with the reality that as parents we make rules and choices for her that are for her benefit, even if she does not see it that way. And if she cannot follow those rules there are consequences she may not like. For example- walking along the rim of the bathtub naked is probably not a good idea if you do not want to break your neck. Multiple tears, "I hate you's" and screams later, she did manage to calm herself down, get into pjs and we were able to reconcile and say good night on good terms. The whole thing is just so draining...and mommy-guilt inducing. Ultimately though, I do believe, my kids will be better off because we set limits for them and taught them that there are consequences to their actions and choices.
What is your take on limit setting?


  1. I agree with you totally. Limit setting, and enforcing, is one of the hardest aspects of parenting but I think it is ultimately what helps shape our children into productive, responsible and happy adults. Funny enough, Dr. Phil and Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz both talk about how important limits are to raising well adjusted kids and that very often when they act out, part of what they're seeking is for us to set those limits and not budge on them because it gives them a sense of security.
    I also have a particularly stubborn daughter and I just pray that G-d gives me the chizuk to be strong enough to be the mother that she needs and to teach her how to harness that stubbornness for good. The world is a place with limits and rules; we don't do any service to our children if we raise them to believe that such things don't exist or are not applicable to them. Sounds to me like you're doing great, so keep it up. :)

  2. I agree with you and Rina~I believe setting limits is a very important way to communicate love to your children: love in the form of secure limits. My second child, in particular, tests limits constantly, and tests my patience! But I can see a difference in his sense of security whenever a rule is flexed or changes, it is very obvious!
